Friday, September 9, 2011

Life is full of CHOICES...

Life is full of CHOICES....

What does that statement mean to you? 

To me it meant either simple choices like where to go to eat or really hard choices like staying with a company or trying out a new one.  It wasn't until yesterday, when talking to a really good friend, did I realize that choices happen every day whether we realize it or not.

I made a choice a few months ago to quit my job.  And I have found that lately I haven't regretted that decision but I feel like something is missing.  In all reality I have been pretty down on myself.  I wasn't feeling fulfilled, I wasn't feeling happy and I didn't feel like I was being the best parent I could be.  When I talked to my good friend she told me about how she was really busy with work, but she chose to stop that work to talk to me.  It hit me like a ton of bricks.

I had the choice to be fulfilled, happy and the best parent I could be.  It also meant that I could choose to do housework or not.  It also meant that if I chose something then I couldn't be down later about it because I had made that choice too.  It all finally made sense.

I know that probably all sounds pretty crazy but I think sometimes as adults we forget the simple things such as being able to choose.

In the farming world, my husband also has choices.  He could have taken the easy way out this summer and not irrigated our crops.  Then he could of made the choice to turn it all over to the crop insurance adjuster.  Then he would have been out of choices once the crop insurance adjusters came back to him with a payment or not.

Let's just say that I am really glad he chose to run the irrigation.  He gave us the best possible crops at those fields that run irriagtion.

Don't let others choose for you...choose for yourself!

If no one was watching you what would you choose?

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