Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Harvest 2011

Harvest time is always all hands on deck.  And this year is really no different than every other year, but this year, I was able to experience the joys of cooking for more than two people.  By the looks of my kitchen it felt about as disorganized as I did.
But some how in the end I got organized and made it to the field on time for dinner...even with the two munchkins in tow!

Harvest is fun, crazy, exciting and the adrenaline is always pumping.  It is fun because you are watching as these huge combines come into the field and harvest the golden wheat.  Combines are everywhere and are going non stop until the field is empty.

It is crazy because of all the equipment that is running around in just one field.

And it is exciting because you get to spend some time with the ones you love.

And as for the adrenaline part that is just hoping that the summer storms don't knock out your precious crops.

So I can say that for this harvest everything turned out okay.  We were busy, but we loved every minute of it.  Now it is just time to prepare for next year!


  1. Hey! I didn't know you had a blog! I'll have to add you to my list! I have a blog too if you want to check it out, it's www.loganfamilyof5.blogspot.com I look forward to keeping up with your family. :0)

  2. This blog is great! It gives me an intimate glimpse into a world that I otherwise wouldn't know. Please keep writing it!
